[ DB ] CONNECT:[ UseTime:0.000234s ] mysql:host=;port=3306;dbname=jingke;charset=utf8
[ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `tryine_banner_list` [ RunTime:0.000635s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `tryine_banner_list` WHERE ( delete_flag = 1 and bl_location=4 ) ORDER BY `bl_order` LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000238s ]
[ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `tryine_portal_category` [ RunTime:0.000535s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `tryine_portal_category` WHERE `status` = 1 AND `delete_time` = 0 AND `type` IN (3,6) ORDER BY `list_order` ASC [ RunTime:0.000318s ]
[ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `tryine_portal_post` [ RunTime:0.000605s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT COUNT(*) AS tp_count FROM `tryine_portal_post` `pp` INNER JOIN `tryine_portal_category_post` `pc` ON `pc`.`post_id`=`pp`.`id` WHERE ( pc.category_id=29 and post_status=1 and pp.delete_time=0 ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000361s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT `pp`.* FROM `tryine_portal_post` `pp` INNER JOIN `tryine_portal_category_post` `pc` ON `pc`.`post_id`=`pp`.`id` WHERE ( pc.category_id=29 and post_status=1 and pp.delete_time=0 ) ORDER BY `pp`.`is_top` DESC,`pp`.`sort` ASC,`pp`.`published_time` DESC LIMIT 5,5 [ RunTime:0.001219s ]
[ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `tryine_theme_file` [ RunTime:0.000509s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT `more` FROM `tryine_theme_file` WHERE `theme` = 'simpleboot3' AND ( `is_public` = 1 OR `file` = 'portal/news' ) [ RunTime:0.000204s ]